
Tuesday 25 February 2014

By the sea

I found this wonderful piece of driftwood on the John Muir Walkway near Musselburgh today. I love how it looks like a whale.... I'll probably keep it myelf, though I may add it to the beach findings section of the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop....

It was a beautiful day today, windy but clear and mild. Lots of birds around. The wonderful sound of the year's first full song from the skylarks. Stonechats chasing each other between the fence posts and through the long grass. Velvet scoters and long tailed ducks on the sea.

The Lagoons were full of birds, including about one hundred oystercatchers, over 50 curlews, wigeon and a very grumpy juvenile grey heron.


  1. I just love driftwood Juliet - lucky you to find it.

  2. A lovely whale. I would be tempted to keep him/her!

    Thank you for the links to birds (RSPB site). A friend on Orkney was recently describing Long Tails that she had seen on a walk . Now I have looked them up on your link and I`m sure I have never seen one. What pretty birds they are!

    My friend and I were talking at cross purposes. She thinking of Long Tailed Ducks and me of Long Tailed Tits. We then had a vision of the ducks hanging off a bird feeder......!

  3. TexWis - it is isn't it?

    Weaver - very lucky, i almost tripped over it!

    Dartford, I probably will keep the whale! I like your story of the confusion over long tails! The ducks are lovely, I'm always delighted when I see them at Musselburgh

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Love your little whale - isn't it great to find something interesting at the beach. I am always on the look out for pretty shells and treasures.

    Happy week

  5. Nice find! The birding sounds great too. I would love to see the large group of oystercatchers.

  6. driftwood
    of this tidal artist
    eye sees aye

    __In this senryu, the archaic definition of aye.

    __Isn't it grand to find things such as this whale; perhaps... never before seen! _m

  7. John Muir Walkway? Is that named for the naturalist who had Scottish roots? I've hiked his routes in the Sierras and now will have to check out this walk.

  8. Wonder why Young Heron was grumpified?

  9. sage - yes it's the same John Muir! I visted Muir Woods on a family holiday in California many years ago

  10. Magyar, thanks for your senryu and yes, amazing to find this whale!

    Maureen , I too wondered why the heron looked so grmpy, but maybe like disapproving rabbits, the facial expression had nothing to do with mood!

  11. I always find myself wondering the story behind driftwood. How far did it travel? Where did it come from? How was its journey?


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