
Saturday 7 December 2013

Grey Squirrels at Edinburgh Botanics

 There were several grey squirrels in Edinburgh Botanic Gardens today. The one above was quiet and shy but posed very nicely. Its friend below wasn't at all shy and came over and begged for food
 which Crafty Green Boyfriend then provided.
Not content with that, the squirrel then followed us around for a while.....

We also watched another squirrel for a while, as it ripped bark off a branch, collected it all in its mouth then disappeared off up the tree, no doubt to line its drey with the bark! 

There weren't many birds around in the Botanics today, but this juvenile black headed gull was happy to pose for the camera.


  1. so naughty and cute!

  2. I love the squirrels! :). So cute. And i love your photo of the gull. He looks very content.

  3. cute squirrels; have a nice weekend; happy you stopped by my blog

    much love...

  4. Cute shots, love the squirrel and the gull. Have a happy weekend!

  5. What a sweet little panhandler squirrel!

  6. Your squirrel looks just like our Eastern Gray Squirrels. I've had one who will come up to my patio door and stand in the adorable begging pose. This really excites the cats who scare the little thing off.

  7. Ms Sparrow, our grey squirrels were introduced from the US so are probably the same species as your Eastern Grays. Our only native squirrel is outcompeted by the greys and so has disappeared from most of the country, including Edinburgh

  8. ... and the New England bird feeders, naturally seen as nature's gift; the Purple Finch fly-byes.

    gray squirrels
    steal the sunflower seeds
    purple finch attacks

    Seasonal wishes! _m

  9. three or four around here - love a peanut from the feeder! They eat one piece and go bury the other!


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