
Tuesday 29 October 2013

Woodland Burial

Crafty Green Boyfriend's father died at the weekend, he'd been ill for many years but had survived several medical emergencies and in between enjoyed gentle walks, computer games, reading about consipracy theories and arguing with his doctors. We'll all miss him.

We're currently deep in the process of trying to organise a funeral and yesterday visited the woodland burial site at Corstorphine Cemetery.

The woodland burial site is a small part of the whole cemetery and when anyone is buried there a silver birch tree is planted over their grave. In time the area will become a mature birch woodland.

It's a lovely peaceful area and very close to where Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother and brother live.


  1. What a wonderful idea! I would love to be planted under a tree for all eternity.

  2. i am sorry for your loss. what a wonderful cemetery.

  3. Oh, crud. Juilet, I empathize with your boyfriend and with you. We had a similar experience in burying my mother 25 years ago. It was under a tree at the edge of a working farm. So there is corn, and soybeans, and wheat next door depending on the year. Birch trees above sound lovely. Peace, maureen

  4. That's a beautiful burial place. Condolences to your and your partner.

  5. We run the Hundy Mundy woodland burial ground in the Borders and know how much better than the standard set piece funeral a natural burial can be. I am so glad you have found it a positive experience.

  6. Anonymous3:06 am

    So sorry for you and your boyfriend's loss :( The cemetery full of trees is a wonderful thing.

  7. Oh condolences. My elderly father died a few weeks ago - but was hearty, hale and active until just a few days prior.

    But oh goodness - the final days and burial plans brought out the worst of the worst in my siblings. (Fortunately I live a long ways away from them and did not have to be part of it.)

    These things do that sometimes ...

  8. Hi Juliet,

    Sending my sincere condolences to your family.
    Such a great idea having the woodland burials. The other day I listened to the radio and they are just starting doing that here.

  9. Thanks for your condolences, everyone, we've not yet made a final decision on the funeral arrangements, but this cemetery is certainly a lovely place.

    Ms Sparrow - i quite like the idea for myself as well

    TexWisGirl - it is a beautiful cemetery

    Rabbits Guy - condolences to you and your family too, sorry it brought out the worst in your siblings. We're not having any problems like that thankfully

  10. what a wonderful idea and place,so sorry for your loss,xx Speedy and Rachel

  11. I'm so sorry, Juliet, to hear this sad news. Thank you for sharing the woodland burial site with us. It is indeed a tranquil and beautiful place. Thinking of you all as you proceed with arrangements ...

  12. Blessings to you and your boyfriend. The tree is a wonderful living monument.

  13. I am sorry for your loss. Not easy even when it is not unexpected. It is a beautiful cemetery.


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