
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mindless Vandalism

Last week I was delighted to find some beautifully crafted insect hotels in the Secret Meadow near Colinton Dell, by the Water of Leith. But today I was so sad to see that they had been damaged beyond repair, the insect home that last week looked like this:

now looks like this:

Who would do this? It shows such a disregard for creativity and nature and mirrors the attitudes in the world as a whole that are leading us into probable environmental catastrophe.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages, where you can find out more.


  1. This is so so sad. I'll never understand why people would do something like this.

  2. Yes, it is an universal problem I think even the rubbish in my country is not well managed, and our parks are not well maintained too... Let's do our best to care for our environment. Cheers. :)

  3. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Wow. That's heartbreaking. What is wrong with our species?

  4. Yes I agree with you Juliet, mindless in the first word that springs to mind. Sometimes it is just a total lack of understanding but whatever it is it means that insects and bugs are the ones that will suffer over the winter. And rebuilding it will probably just result in it being destroyed again.

  5. So much mindless behaviour... Prob the same sort of character that finds cruelty acceptable. Went on a blog this week and read about a Great Dane that had been dumped and left to die, although found it was too late to save him. The only consolation was the love he received in the end. Grrrr makes my blood boil.

  6. Good question, Juliet! Who would destroy the insect home. I'm guessing that whoever did this did not understand what the maker was trying to do.

  7. Hi Juliet,

    That is so very sad that people can do such things.
    Makes you wonder what is wrong with some people?
    Over here they occasionally break the glass in the bus stop windows - makes you so angry.

    Enjoy the week

  8. Well hopefully it was a single person or a thoughtless act by one or two, and not a general response to those insect hotels.

  9. Oh that makes me sad. That kind of thing has happened around here too, sadly. I can't understand what people GET out of such actions. How does it make them feel better? (I guess if we could read criminals minds we could stop crime maybe.)

  10. I can't imagine the kind of thinking it takes to want to do this.

  11. make's me cross this sort of thing,xx Rachel

  12. This is just awfulllllll


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