
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Natural History Museum, Vienna

Seeing the film Museum Hours, which I reviewed yesterday reminded me of my trip to Vienna in 1998. 

The photo below shows the Natural History Museum in Vienna, which is opposite the Art History Museum which features in the film Museum Hours. Shamefully perhaps, I spent so much time in the Natural History Museum I didn't even get into the Art History Museum.

I took this photo while having lunch, with two redstarts playing round my feet. Lovely! Specially as at that time I'd never seen redstarts anywhere and even since have only seen them once in the UK.

I've posted more photos from my trip to Vienna here on my Shapeshifting Green blog

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Wow that's a beautiful museum exterior...I will hop over to your other page now!

  2. What a serendipitous post! I'll be in Vienna for a conference this weekend. I'm definitely going to this museum, though!

  3. Once a nature lover and it never stops does it Juliet. Your story of the redstarts in Vienna reminded my of two fieldfares pecking round my feet as I sat on a seat in Norway.

  4. Shameful, indeed, Juliet. You must return to Vienna at once. And, while you're there, check out Kunst Haus Wien.

  5. Th museum is beautiful just from the outside, I can only imagine how the inside would look. Just lovely!

  6. lovely building Juilet

    much love...

  7. Bill, I did go to Kunst Haus Wien and there's a photo of it on my other blog (just follow the link). I call it the Hundertwasser Haus though in the caption


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