
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Water of Leith

Two photos of Colinton weir on the Water of Leith taken from underneath the footbridge, an area which isn't normally accessible, but the water is low at the moment.

I've noticed more cuckoo pint than ever along the river walkway this year.

Strangely though, I've never yet noticed this plant in spring, when it looks like this.

Today along the river walkway, a tiny baby rabbit came hopping towards me, stopped then bounced into the undergrowth! Also I spent a lovely few minutes watching a family of wrens, the young ones at the stage of hopping around in the shrubbery but still all yellow beak and fluff.

For Nature Notes 

The nature photographers reading this may be interested to know about the Nature Conservancy photo competition! Send in your best photos of the natural world (closing date 9 September)!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. So, so very beautiful. A wonderful verdant piece of serenity.

  2. How great you were able to get under the bridge this year to see something you rarely see.

  3. I think that nature, in all its glory, has been especially bountiful this year Juliet.

  4. rabbits, wrens, and flowing water. Sounds like a perfect day :)

  5. sound like you had a very beautiful walk and the baby bunny tops it for me,xx Rachel

  6. great for a haiku ginko; tanks for sharing

    much love...

  7. Very pretty spot! A nice place to watch the wildlife and enjoy nature. Pretty photos.

  8. Interesting plant; I don't think we have that one here, though it reminds me of our "jack in the pulpit".

  9. What a beautiful place in which to take a walk. It looks so peaceful and I can hear the movement of the water while I look at these photos. So pretty.

  10. I love to watch the rabbits that hop around in the scrub brush on the beach across the street. thanks for adding the link to the photo contest.

  11. I think the young rabbit knew you were coming! How lovely to see young Wrens.

  12. What a place to roam and wander!

  13. Anonymous10:13 am

    ah, you were very lucky to see a baby bunny :) I always find my heart skips a beat when see the young of animals in the wild - such vulnerability!

  14. Beautiful photos. And aren't baby rabbits wonderful?

  15. How lovely and must be for a bunny to like it. I have been watching one eating clover in our yard every morning. Good think we have let some of it grow in lush bunches... Thank you for linking into Nature Notes Juliet... Michelle


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