
Wednesday 7 August 2013

haiku and birds

dusty paths -
a butterfly flies
alongside me


Definitely high summer along the John Muir walkway at Musselburgh today. Lots of butterflies about.

When I got to the bird reserve on the old ash lagoons, I was delighted to see my first ever ruff. I had read that it was there, but had worried that with it not being in breeding plumage, I might not recognise it. Never fear, even without the magnificent breeding feathers, it's still a fine looking bird.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. There has been a sudden huge increase in the number of butterflies here Juliet over the last few days - it is a joy to see them all flying around. The memory will last into Winter hopefully.

  2. winding path
    the butterfly and I
    part company

    (This was published in A Hundred Gourds in December 2011.)

  3. A delightful flutter of a butterfly post!

  4. A shore bird!!

  5. Great bird, we have the Ruff here too. I would love to see one. Love the haiku and sounds like a great outing.

  6. I have seagulls, squirrels, magpies and bumble bees in garden, but all I have seen this summer is one wee white butterfly that flits around, never really settling. I wish there were more! I saw the chalkhill blue butterflies on Channel 4 news other night they were gorgeous.


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