
Saturday 10 August 2013

Bees drunk on rose nectar

We went foraging for raspberries today along one of the old railway lines that is now a pathway. There were lots of bees about, which was very heartening. Bees of all species are having a hard time at the moment, but the good summer weather we're having this year seems to be good for the bees too. They were everywhere along the side of the path, but seemed to be particularly fond of the roses:

 in the photo below, a hoverfly (a marmalade hoverfly if I'm not mistaken) wants to get into the rose flower, but won't go in while the bee is there!
 It was wonderful to see these three bees all lined up in the three rose flowers, making a lovely loud buzzing noise as they gorged on the nectar and wallowed in the pollen.
We were also delighted to see a group of six freshly fledged wrens flying around and, at a safe distance from the young wrens, this lovely cat wanted to say hello to us but couldn't quite find a safe route through the undergrowth to get close to us!

Despite the roses being in full bloom, some plants are already turned to seed, like these thistles

and we picked many raspberries, which Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents will make into jam.


  1. Lovely photos of local flora and fauna. I hope the cat wasn't prowling to catch a wren!

  2. I picked a lot of blackberries in these days in thorny bushes behind the beach. getting scratched on ankles and wrists..part of the game. Tomorrow I will be in the Cotswolds, nettles and briars also there but such a different atmosphere.

    Great photos as ever.

  3. sweet bees in roses. glad the wrens were safe from the kitty. :)

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Loved seeing all your photos and how neat that you saw the bees drinking in all the nectar. I always get excited when I am out in the garden and see bees swarming around the lavender.
    Hope the kitty keeps a safe distance from the Wren family.

    happy weekend

  5. you always take good photo's

  6. The bees and roses are lovely shots, I am happy there are bees around now. I hope the wrens stay safe with the kitty around! The raspberries sound yummy. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  7. Great bumblebee pics. I have seen vast amounts of butterflies lately. Especially peacocks - they love the budlias.

  8. There's little more satisfying than getting lovely fruit for free from our hedgerows. It's great that the bees (and we!) are getting a good summer for once. Hopefully it will restore their numbers.

  9. I love this post. Makes me think of Emily Dickinson

    Oh for a Bee's experience
    Of Clovers and of Noon

  10. How lovely to encounter a Wren family ... and I find it reassuring to find someone else who likes birds AND cats!

  11. Anonymous7:20 am

    yes, the bees are having a hard time of it these days - good that you have come across some - we have a fair few around here too, which is terrific. Love your photos.

  12. How encouraging to see and hear lots of bees. The rose photos are lovely as is the thought of raspberry jam.


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