
Tuesday 30 July 2013


The harebells are in full bloom in small patches in Colinton Dell alongside the Water of Leith. There seem to be more of them than there were last year. They're very pretty flowers, sometimes known as the Scottish bluebell (or just as bluebell by many Scots).

 Meanwhile above my head the sparrowhawks were flying around, making lots of noise. I think their chicks had just fledged, I remember the same commotion about the same time last year.

I'm delighted to have two poems in the Birds Issue of Cyclamens and Swords

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. I wonder if sparrow hawks are the same thing as kestrels over here?

  2. Hi Optimistic, no we have kestrels too, kestrels are falcons rather than hawks (or at least that's the case here). Both are medium sized birds of prey though.

  3. cute little blooms.

  4. Ha! Just got back from a walk in Millington Woods on the Yorkshire Wolds and the harebells are out there, too. Didn't see any sparrowhawks today (but quite often do), but there were some very vocal lapwings wheeling and diving.

  5. Hi Juliet,just to let you know The boy's will be comming to collect Racer tomorrow for his boys outting,xx Rachel and Speedy

  6. Hi Juliet,

    Love the sweet bluelbells and must be great walking there.
    Happy week

  7. A Racer Report! Oh good!

    Found the poems - nice - although I like the August Robin song! (Your link went to 2012 version, but easy to then get to 2013)

  8. TexWisGirl - they're lovely aren't they?

    Pete - always lovely to see lapwings

    speedy - LOL!

    Draggin Bears - a lovely place to walk!

    RabbitsGuy - your robins are different than ours of course! I've changed the link now, though it should have gone straight to the 2013 issue, that's odd

  9. Beautiful flowers--on this side of the Atlantic, it seems that the spring and summer flowers have been especially abundant.

  10. Pretty little wildflowers and a nice bird sighting. Sounds like a great outing. Have a happy day!

  11. harebells and sparrowhawks
    by the Water of Leith
    all that commotion


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