
Saturday 15 June 2013

The Write Practice: 14 prompts by Joe Bunting

This workbook is made up of fourteen writing prompts. Why so few? "Because this workbook is more an exercise in seeing than a list of ideas to get your story started." says author Joe Bunting. 
I like the philosophy of the book, centred on observation: 
'Making a career out of writing is a noble dream ..... but what is nobler still is the person awake to the breeze on a cool fall day; the person who can hear joy in a child’s voice; the person who can look out at the morning filled with that haze and half-light that mornings have; who can see the silhouettes of trees, the outlines of birds; who can hear the birds and the crickets and the life of morning, and see them. Just see them. Really see them. How can I convey whatit is to see? How can I show you that there is nothing more than this moment and that it is good'

This book is based on content from The Write Practice, a practical website aimed at encouraging aspiring writers to practice their craft. The exercises are designed to be used in a group (so I may well try them out with a writing class sometime in the future!)

The fourteen prompts are varied and engaging: I liked the fact that there were prompts on being inspired by birds and autumn! As well as the actual prompt material itself, they also include practical tips on how to improve as a writer, for example, how to improve your focus. There are also questions to encourage self analysis so you can understand your own writing style better. 
There's some overlap in material with Let's Write a Short Story (by the same author) which I reviewed here.

Both of these books are likely to make you sit down, pick up your pen and start writing. 

Thanks to Story Cartel for my free download of The Write Practice: 14 Prompts by Joe Bunting.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 

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