
Thursday 27 June 2013

Roses and a miscellany

 The wild roses are beautiful just now.....
I've just finished making another chopstick bag, in a sort of rose colour, with a silver 'Hello Kitty' charm, made as ever with entirely repurposed materials:

it's now for sale in my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

Meanwhile I'm delighted to have a poem in the new Busker e-book from What the Dickens.

I'll be posting my final two film reviews from the Edinburgh International Film Festival tomorrow.


  1. Yes Juliet, I love wild roses too and have put one on my new header.

  2. Love the beautiful wild roses, pretty shots! Your chopstick bag is pretty. Have a happy day!

  3. the roses are beautiful

  4. You know, I don't think I've ever seen wild roses. They're beautiful.

  5. We have roses in bloom here as well. They're my favourites; the wild ones that is. I have been enjoying your film reviews.

  6. The wild rose here is the Nootka Rose - a very popular native plant for gardens, hedgerows, and native plantings. Great for birds and butterflies.

  7. I'm a big fan of wild roses. And have you noticed that bees seem to love them too? :))

  8. wild roses . . .
    she knows me
    too well


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