
Thursday 13 June 2013

chopstick bag from repurposed kimono fabric

This is my latest craft project using the fabric that you may remember from such previous examples as this, this and this. It's an ideal way to carry around a pair of re-usable chopsticks so you can avoid having to use the disposable ones that are the usual cutlery choice in many Chinese restaurants. (Many disposable chopsticks are made from the products of forest destruction, though to be fair some are made from waste wood from the construction industry). There's a slightly odd article here about how taking your own chopsticks can help save the environment, which gives you some idea of the scale of the problesm caused by disposable chopsticks. 

A couple of days ago, I sold a chopstick bag on my Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop so yesterday I added this one to the shop here.

(After a very slow start, my Etsy shop is now going quite well, with steady sales. It's still a very small shop though and very varied.)

As ever, red text in this post contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. How cute! And I love the little flower button :).

  2. Brilliant idea, every little helps when trying to save the trees.

  3. first date
    he drops
    a chopstick

  4. I had read in the news about the huge number of trees sacrificed to make throw-away chopsticks. What a great idea to provide a means of carrying them with you! I have never used chopsticks myself, but I applaud your efforts!

  5. Your etsy shop seems to be the product of a very inventive mind Juliet.

  6. Wonderful idea... I have to go and visit your shop again


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