
Saturday 25 May 2013

Seeking Shade in the Dells

As regular readers of this blog know, I volunteer for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. I patrol the Colinton Dell area of the river every week, picking litter and recording wildlife. It's a beautiful place, I love watching how it changes through the seasons.

I took this photo on Tuesday. It looks like summer!

For those of you who were disappointed that I had to cancel my guided walk of Colinton Dell, which had been scheduled to happen on Monday 27 May, you may be interested to know about a guided tour of the Dell on Sunday 26 May (tomorrow!), run by the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. Booking is essential for this one!

For Shadow Shot Sunday

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. lovely greens and shadows!

  2. The shadows make the green even more lush!

  3. beautiful photo!! shame it doesn't feel much like summer

  4. What beautiful greenness Juliet.

  5. Good for you about the weather, here in Venice to my chagrin I have had to switch the heating on, the temperature inside the house had dropped to 17 degrees celsius, now it keeps raining after two days of angry clouds and cold wind straight from the Balkans!

  6. How beautiful a place - the meadow and forest meet here, and the emerald green flora and foliage are spectacular. What a lovely retreat...

  7. The air must be delicious!

  8. Such rich and vibrant greens act as a wonderful palette for the fall of shadows! Lovely photo!

  9. it does look like summer...very nice shadows.

  10. oh lovely photos and we have been to Edinburgh 2 times and actually I think we walked alng the Leith both times. Such a lovely place smack dab in the middle of the city. Cheers!

  11. Lovely capture of the shadows, pretty spot too. Have a great day!

  12. Lvely green photo giving coolness. really awesome. regards

  13. o, I love this lush green color and the shadows giving it form.

  14. I really appreciate people like you who keep the beautiful places looking beautiful!

  15. All that green is a feast for this desert dweller's eyes!

    Cactus Shadows/Sun

  16. beautiful shadows

    much love...


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