
Sunday 19 May 2013

Geese and goslings

Today we went took my parents to Figgate Park for the first time. We had a lovely time and enjoyed seeing all the birds, including this Canada Goose on its nest.

Then we hopped on a bus into Musselburgh for lunch, where we also enjoyed watching the birds along the River Esk. There were lots of swallows, house martins and swifts (and the occasional sand martin) flying low above the river and also higher up, all hunting flies. There were also these adorable goslings.

My guided walk of Colinton Dell on Monday 27 May has now been CANCELLED. Apologies to anyone who was hoping to come along.


As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. We still don't have any goslings around here. The weather has been cool and rainy. I keep looking for the little darlings.

  2. Hello Juliet,

    How darling the little goslings are and it is such a lovely time seeing all the little baby birds and animals.

    Happy new week

  3. Sounds like a great outing with your parents. The goslings are cute. Have a happy week ahead.

  4. Last time I went round to one of my students' house, a lovely girl of 13, there was a gosling in a plastic bowl lined with a towel on the kitchen floor. She'd got it from a neighbour, and it had imprinted on her, followed her everywhere, and spent the lesson snuggled on her lap cheeping. It was only a few days old, but was quite big already, and quite adorable. I just hope it's a she-goose not a gander, and agrees to live outdoors happily with the hens!

  5. I love geese! I especially love their sound :)


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