
Saturday 23 March 2013

March Snow in the Pentlands

We took the approach today that if it's unseasonably cold and snowy, rather than try to avoid it we'd go to where lots of snow would be guaranteed and we'd pretend it was the middle of winter. So we went down to Hillend and wandered round some of the lower paths. The snowy landscapes were beautiful:

all the walking certainly warmed us up! We then went into the ski centre cafe, where we enjoyed tea and cakes and a nice view over more snowy hills.

Hopefully it will warm up soon.....


  1. Beautiful pictures, Green Poet. It must be a sight colder with you than it is with us - softies that we are here in the SE - grumbling over a smattering of snow.

    We walked part of the Pentlands during our Grand Tour in 2011 - part of a drovers' route I seem to remember. Must see if we took any photos that day.

  2. Lovely shots of the snowy landscape! It is a very Pretty area! Happy Weekend!

  3. When life gives you snowdrifts, go skiing!! Or at least hiking in the snow. It is lovely, but I think you're due for spring.

  4. This is in complete contrast to what I have done Juliet - eight inches of snow here and still snowing.

  5. Greenpatches - it's freezing! If you do have photos, are you going to post them on your blog?

    Eileen, thanks

    Sallie - i think we're well overdue for spring...

    Weaver - wow that's a huge amount of snow...

  6. Greenpoet - might do, though I'm not sure if we took any photos on that particular day.

  7. Anonymous9:19 pm

    I can't believe it's nearly the end of March! Stunning pictures. A bit warmer here in the SW but still shiverin - trying to eke out the last of winter wood. I favour the blanket sari...

  8. Wonderful snow landscapes! We had a winter wonderland most of the way to London on the train ... and came back to bitter temps and more snow here ... and on it goes!

  9. What a unwelcoming landscape!

  10. I am a fan of the bleak! I had not heard of the Pentlands, so now I am off to research! And lets hear it for dandelions for the bunnies, the first of which we picked here today!

  11. Beautiful photos. We got so little snow here in north Alabama this winter, mostly rain, rain, rain. I guess I shouldn't complain. Much of the country got quite heavy snowfall. I just hope the rain and snow help us with the drought conditions that have been plaguing so much of the country.

  12. Hi Juliet,

    Your snowy photos are so beautiful and have seen on the news the weather you have been having there.
    You will be looking forward to warmer spring day, hopefully soon.

    Happy Sunday

  13. Handed a lemon, make lemonade. You're a wonder, Juliet.

  14. Well, it IS still March! We don't get warm until July!!!

  15. luv your dare devil approach to global warming; great pics

    much love...

  16. I love these pictures even though there not spring-ish :)

  17. The landscape looks both desolate and lovely. Great photos.

  18. So beautiful! I got to go horseback riding in the Pentlands during my time in Edinburgh. So much fun!


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