
Sunday 10 March 2013

Daily Haiku

I've been delighted to have been one of the contributors to cycle 14 on Daily Haiku.

My last haiku is here and you can find all my haiku here.

Daily Haiku also publishes a print journal, featuring selected haiku from the last two cycles. The last print journal was published in  2010 so I'm not sure if this is still part of the Daily Haiku project.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other web-pages where you can find out more.


  1. I really want to start writing haikus. I will check out the website now :)

  2. Really fine work, Juliet.

    And, if I may, a note to Optimistic Existentialist: One day in December 2004, I heard myself saying to my wife, "I think I should write haiku." An odd thing to say, since I knew very little about haiku, and most of what I did know was wrong. Anyway, I've been at it ever since. I was a month short of my 72d birthday at the time. Best of luck.

  3. Beautiful, Juliet.

    Add me as number 3 to the "I want to write haiku" list.

  4. I could not evn play the drum ... Haiku is sooo hard.


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