
Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sunshine on Gorgie Farm

We wandered down to Gorgie City Farm earlier today to check out how the animals were doing. We'd heard there were new lambs and indeed there were, these Ryeland lambs are very young and the mother was most attentively licking one of them.

As you can see from the photo, it was very sunny, though cold too. Outside the pigs were enjoying the sunshine:

and so was Red, the farm horse, who seems to be thriving now, after having lots of health problems because visitors to the farm had fed him something that made him ill.

We also saw Driftwood, our favourite farm rabbit, but he was too busy chasing a chicken to be bothered to come out of his shed to say hello to us. 

Meanwhile Dexter the farm cat was basking in the sun, trying not to get annoyed by the excited children who gathered to watch him.

After our visit, we had tea and delicious flapjacks in the Gorgie Farm Cafe, which is a lovely place for a snack.

linking up with Nature Notes

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  1. Ryeland lambs are beautiful!! I've never seen them before I don't believe.

  2. Nice visit to the farm! And the weather looks good too. My husband would spend the whole time looking at the pigs. He used to raise them as a kid.

  3. This looks a lovely place Juliet - so nice when it is obviously near to a city.

  4. Great shots from the farm. Looks like a pleasant day.

  5. I feel bad for the horse that got fed the wrong thing! I most enjoy the pig. Pigs seem to know how to relax and take it all in.

  6. Beautiful. I am almost sure you are strictly vegetarian?

    I must confess I adore pigs.. I must be very sincere, I adore them in "both" ways. I have stopped with rabbits but it's very hard to stop with them...Anyway I have for a long time now stopped with beef and lamb.

    My wife loved them too, she was sure they are the closest to humans after chimps.

  7. It's seems so terribly early for lambs to be born. I once had a little black cat named Dexter.

  8. Sounds like a great day. I love to watch the farm animals. Great photos and a nice post.

  9. What a beautiful pig! The farm sounds a wonderful place ... and I hadn't realised until this post that it even had a cafe!

  10. Thanks for periodic updates on the Farm!

    Litter - I forgot - here we all await the onslaught of tsunami debris - if it makes it in the Straits of Juan De Fuca to our shores. Plenty of crews on standby to clean up - except the Washington and Vancouver outer coasts are terribly rugged and almost inaccessible.

    And I have read that the beaches on the Atlantic coast of the US are awash with hurricane debris - like whole cars!

  11. Looks like it was a lovely day at the farm!

  12. poor Red, I'm glad he's feeling better now... the lambs are adorable!

  13. Oh poor Red..People don't think.. How cute the lambs and the pig are. I wish our neighbor was still here with her little farm. It was so much fun to visit.. Thank you for the linking in and for the birthday wishes...Michelle


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