
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Greening for Health

I was lucky enough to attend an excellent conference today (and I mean lucky enough, when I had first made enquiries there weren't any places left, but someone dropped out so I got a place!). Organised by Greenspace Scotland it was about Greenspaces and health in Edinburgh and held at Slateford Green Community Centre which is based in an environmentally friendly, car-free housing development in Edinburgh. There were presentations from people and organisations involved in community growing projects across the city. We also had plenty of opportunities to discuss our thoughts about how access to greenspace can improve people's health and well-being and how to ensure that more people can access the many opportunities on offer.

All the information from the event is going to be collated into a report, but hopefully the contacts that we made will lead to real collaboration between projects.

Edinburgh is a city that has a lot of lovely green areas for walking in and enjoying. 

Cross posted to my website.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. I am so lucky living in a huge green space - how can people bear to live in these huge cities.

  2. Hi Weaver, well I certainly couldn't live in a huge city. Edinburgh is brilliant as far as I'm concerned, relatively small city with lots of green spaces

  3. Though it is a major city, Sapporo has wonderful parks, and is surrounded by forested hills and green expanses that are quickly and easily accessible. The problem is that, for five to six months of the year, everything is buried under snow. I am simply STARVED for green by this time of year. STARVED STARVED STARVED!! April is still so far away....

  4. Green spaces are so very important to our sense of well-being. So are trees. I once lived in a high-rise apartment building next to a freeway. It was surroundeded by a parking lot, streets and businesses. I realized that I could not live in such an "arid" environment. I have lived around trees and green spaces ever since.

  5. Seattle Wa and Vancouver BC - and Portland Or - are all big cities with many parks, green spaces, and quiet spots. Even NYC has Central Park! Good to see more attention to the value of green places.

  6. I think it is great that Edinburgh is a city with a lot of greenspace and is environmentally friendly. And it is wonderful you were able to attend the conference. Have a happy day!


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