
Tuesday 12 February 2013


I was delighted yesterday to receive a bumper package of goodies from the RSPB! This was my prize for winning their Pin It to Win It competition on Pinterest.

The prize consists of:

one bird feeder
two packs of birdfood (one of sunflower seeds and one of 'buggy nibbles' which contain fat and meal worms)
one mug with a chaffinch design on
one box of shortbread and one box of fudge!

Everything we need in fact to have a snack ourselves as we watch  the birds snacking. Unfortunately the windows of our flat don't overlook the shared garden at the back of the building. I'm not sure in fact where we'll put the feeder. But we can sort that out and it's a wonderful gift to have won!

Meanwhile, here is a photo of one of the bird boxes that we recently put up in Colinton Dell along the Water of Leith. You can read more about that project here (I've now added this photo to that previous blog-post too). Starting from Valentine's Day, it's National Nest Box Week in the UK, so a good time to put some boxes up (though ideally they should be up in autumn to allow birds to prospect over the winter).

Meanwhile a wee bird has flown into my Etsy shop. A peace dove on a bookmark to be precise!
(I also just added another selection of sea pottery shards)

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. I love watching birds at the bird feeder. One of my favorite things.

  2. I checked out the sea pottery shards and they're really nice. I have some Anasazi Indian pottery shards my sister picked up in the Utah desert years ago. The desert is littered with broken pottery in the Southwest.
    It's speculated that they may have been broken in ancient rituals. Do you know where the sea pottery shards come from?

  3. congrats on your win

    much love...

  4. Optimistic - I love watching birds too!

    Ms Sparrow - on the east coast of Scotland a lot of the sea pottery comes from potteries that used to make tableware. Other sea pottery will come from other places i guess. I should research it all a bit more!

    Gillena - thanks!

  5. We have bird boxes everywhere Juliet and they have mostly been commandered by tree sparrows.

  6. My memory of bird boxes and feeders is the same in Italy and England: in Venice pigeons preventing sparrows and robins from getting food on the window-sill and in England, in Charlbury, my much more organized friend had to fight against woodpigeons in their back garden "stealing" in front of their eyes the food from the feeder.
    It seems dimensions play the basic roles!

  7. Weaver, how lovely to have tree sparrows! We so rarely see them in Edinburgh.

  8. Hi Juliet,

    Congratulations, always great to win some lovely things.
    Will be fun sipping tea and watching the birds.

    Happy week

  9. What a nice gift to win. The birds will be happy and you can be happy with the mug and yummy fudge. Enjoy!

  10. What a prize! I am sure where you do put the feeder the birds will find it!!!

  11. So neat! Goodies for the birds and you, too.

  12. You must be so excited!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!


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