
Friday 25 January 2013

So Sad for the rhinos

Rhinos are just one of the animals that are severely threatened by poaching.

The northern subspecies of the white rhino is so rare that it is given it's own armed bodyguards in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy of Kenya. The animals have their horns surgically removed (which is shown to deter poachers and to not have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal) and then are looked after by armed guards.

You can read more and see a photo here.

There's something just so tragically sad about this.


  1. Thank you for posting this my friend. I had a childhood dream of working with endangered wildlife and these things make me so sad. Awareness is so important. So wonderful of you to post this.

  2. It's a sad state of affairs when these rare animals are killed solely to produce aphrodisiacs for selfish, ignorant men!

  3. It's amazing how different the rhino looks without a horn ... and after all a unicorn would no longer be a unicorn (would it?) without its horn.

    To think this is one of the 'lucky' animals with its own guard ... and yet actually this is a large WILD animal with possibly 40 more years of life.

    Thank you, Juliet, as ever for opening our eyes that bit wider to realities that could be overlooked.

  4. Caroline - yes, an ancient wild species reduced to having it's main feature removed and not allowed to move without an armed guard, I do wonder what the world is coming to...

  5. Hi Juliet,

    So very very sad and not only the Rhinos but Elephants too.
    The other night we watched a Documentary and it makes you cry what poachers are doing to these magnificent animals. I only just hope an end can come of this before they are extinct.


  6. Draffin Bears - yes, the rhino is just one of many many species we're destroying just now.... Too tragic...


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