
Saturday 19 January 2013

Cammo Country Park - Winter Wonderland

We had quite a lot of snow overnight and thought we would go out into the woods! We chose Cammo Country Park, largely because with all the recent rain it must be much muddier than usual (and even normally it is very muddy). We reckoned that the snow and ice would mean it was now less muddy than normal and we were right! It is a lovely winter wonderland at the moment.

We saw lots of birds too, including blackbirds and redwings, a bullfinch, a goldfinch, robins, wrens and dunnocks.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can learn more.


  1. Send some of that snow our way :)

  2. That is a very snowy sky in the last photo. It sounds (from the News) as though you may be getting some more over the next twenty four hours.

    It is amazing how snowfall transforms familiar landscapes.

  3. The world looks so clean and magical after a snowfall.

  4. Great photos, in particular the horizon in the third one.

  5. midwinter
    mud in the field

  6. Hi Juliet,

    Brrr... The snow photos look beautiful and how lovely it must be.
    Just heard the news where some of the planes have been grounded at Heathrow.

    Stay warm and enjoy the weekend

  7. Your gold finches are far more colorful that the US version. Ours are basically yellow and black.

  8. The woods around here is inaccessible for the moment. The odds on staying upright aren't good. Lovely to see you pictures, though.

  9. Looks like a lovely place for a walk, great bird sightings. Have a happy day!

  10. it looks similar to our weather conditions over here.Pretty photos-winter is nice as long as the wind behaves.


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