
Thursday 17 January 2013

A Field Vole called Mr Mouse

My uncle recently asked me to write a children's story about a field vole that he found a couple of years ago. The vole looked as though it had been attacked by a cat or something and my uncle looked after it, not expecting it to survive. Three years later the vole is not only alive but has had many adventures and should be appearing (with my uncle) on Winterwatch Unsprung tonight at 9pm on BBC2.

Meanwhile I've written the outline of the story (changing quite a lot of the details) and am currently working on polishing it up and hope to send it out quite soon.

For those of you who aren't in the UK, Winterwatch is part of the brilliant series of programmes that also includes Springwatch and Autumnwatch, that look at the UK wildlife through the year. Unsprung is the part of the programme which both goes behind the scenes and invites viewer feedback and stories. The whole set of programmes does a brilliant job of getting people interested in the nature that is all around them. It's aimed at a very general audience but has enough interesting facts in it that even very keen naturalists can often learn something new!

As ever, red text contains hyper-links that take you to other web-pages where you can find out more.


  1. Will you be posting the story on here once it's finished? I look forward to reading it!

  2. Sorry, no I'll be trying to get it properly published....

  3. Winterwatch, Autumnwatch, springwatch...they sound like a great series!

  4. what a series! and the story about the vole sounds interesting, too.

  5. I shall look out for your uncle tonight Juliet - we are really enjoying the programmes.

  6. I wish we did get that show around here. Or that someone would do an American equivalent.

  7. Yes, Juliet, we'll be keeping an eye open too. Really hope the footage is shown! Wasn't it a wonderful Fair isle report on Waxwings on last night's programme?

  8. Hi Juliet,

    Sounds wonderful and what fun writing a book about Mr Mouse.
    Wishing you much luck with getting your book published.

    Happy weekend

  9. Sounds like a great show on your wildlife there. Good luck on the story, what a cute critter to write about.

  10. I'm looking forward to it Juliet. When might it be published for me to purchase?

  11. We love some of your UK shows. We get a few, and have bought a lot of the DVDs. Mostly mystery shows!
    We don't usually watch nature shows, since we live in the middle of a wetland and have a ton of critters!
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  12. This is really going to be something.


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