
Friday 21 December 2012

Oh Christmas Tree!

We have a living Christmas tree, sitting in a pot of soil in our living room. It will return to Crafty Green Boyfriend's parents' garden after the New Year. It's larger than we usually get - actually come to think of it maybe it's always the same tree, in which case it's natural that the tree always seems to get bigger!

I'm quite minimalist when it comes to Christmas decorations. I gave up on the handmade paper chains when I got fed up of them dropping on our heads on a regular basis.

I decorate the tree with ribbons, two fairtrade wooden birds that I've had for ages, a star I made from felted shed fur from our rabbit Anya  (she may have passed over the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago now but there are plenty of things around to remind us of her). Oh and odd earrings! Those earrings that have lost their partner make really nice decorations!


  1. I'm trying to see what sort of tree it is as it doesn't look like the usual Norway Spruce or Nordman's fir but the photo's a bit blurred - and it doesn't really matter anyway. Just blame it on my curiosity as a botanist! It looks lovely. Enjoy Christmas and best wishes for 2013.

  2. Not sure Mavis, I'm not great on conifers to be honest (what a shocking confession from a botanist!). It's less blurred than poor light quality, it's been very dull for the past week here!

  3. I think it's probably a Lawson's Cypress but need a better picture to be sure. But as I said - it's a Christmas tree and that's all that matters.


    It’s inside now, in a vase.
    It’s the time of the year when we need
    a memento from the forest.
    Once I smelled in it
    the fullness of iron green
    and was gripped and swept
    into a road of breaths
    and shuffling dark green.
    The deep North in an instantaneous gust.
    Now, to be sincere,
    that smell is faint,
    it’s the memory of what it was.

    But I breathe it
    as if I were treasuring
    the few drops I could gather
    from the forest sap
    in my cupped hands.
    More than enough
    on the way to the border.

    Happy Chhristmas,

  5. What I hate most about the garish decorations there are about these days Juliet are those awful bright blue lights - such an unchristmassy colour. A very happy Christmas to you both.

  6. Love you tree, it is so perfectly understated. We are fans of over-the-top in our house:-)
    thanks for sharing

  7. Christmas joy to you and yours and blessings through the new year.

  8. I like the idea of having a tree that can be planted when the Christmas decorations are done. Hubby and I bought a tree our first year in our house and now 23 years later it is growing tall in our front yard. Have a great weekend and a very Merry Christmas!

  9. I wondered if it's a Norfolk Island Pine tree. I think they might not be able to tolerate a Scottish January however.

  10. That's so gorgeous! I love alternative Christmas trees. This year we've made a lashed-up one with wood and lichen, and I'm really pleased with it.

  11. Red Cedar? Nice, whatever it is.

  12. Wishing you and Crafty Green boyfriend ;) a delightful Christmas and all the best for the coming year. Is there a bunny under your tree? ;)

  13. Mavis, Ms Sparrow, Rabbits Guy - thanks for the suggestions as to what type of tree it is, I'll try and find out and let you know!

    Titus - that sounds lovely!

  14. I like your sweet little tree!

  15. First, thank you for the beautiful holiday card, and for sending it all the way across the pond!

    Second, I love the minimalist approach to decorating. Diamond-Cut Husband and I literally own no Christmas decorations, but for a wreath on our front door. We do throw a big annual Christmas party (an open house -- about 45 folks came through this year, makes us very happy).

    Finally, I need to go comment on your post on Beasts of the Southern Wild, since I went and saw it the other night on your recommendation.

  16. We arrived back on Islay last night and the first task this morning was to cut down a Norway Spruce from the garden - they self-seed here and I let them grow to 'Christmas Tree' size then fell them - otherwise they block our sea view and if left too tall are blown down by gales causing damage to roofs, telephone wires and cars.
    Minimalist in most things except books and Christmas trees, mine will be loaded with tiny wooden toys, many from my childhood. We'll decorate it this afternoon while listening to Christmas carols.


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