
Tuesday 3 October 2017

Of Frogs and Poetry

Frog, Waving

On a rock in a river that rushes and glides
down a beautiful lonely mountainside
the last wild golden frog waves*
trying to attract himself a mate.

The biologist starts to daydream
as she walks along the mountain stream -
she remembers visiting this place before
there were frogs everywhere then, she's sure!

She wants to leave the frog here in its home
but she can't do that because she knows
to save it she has to take the frog away
from the deadly fungus coming this way.

The biologist feels there is so little hope
as she walks down the now less golden slope
to the frog hospital where lined up in cages
the last golden frogs sit quietly and wave.

* The male golden frog waves its front legs to warn off other males and to attract females. 

I'm reposting this poem, which got an honourable mention in the Save the Frogs Poetry Competition 2012.


  1. O Juliet, so sad. There are all these horrible diseases around for all our wild life.

  2. How poignant and sad. The loss of any species is a loss to all of us.

  3. Juliet, I wish that more people could have their eyes opened by your wonderful poetry. Unfortunately, so many simply wish to remain blind, much to the detriment of our beautiful world.

  4. Congratulations on your commendations, Juliet ... and thank you for bringing the plight of this unusual creature before our eyes.

  5. I like the changing perspectives, from the frog's point of view and then rushing up to the biologist's ... a very dynamic piece of writing that enacts the sense of urgency in the poem as a whole. Nice!

  6. Hello, I love your poem, even though it is a little sad. It is important for people to open their eyes and see what is happening with the wildlife around them.

    Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  7. Congratulations on your poem's recognition, a good poem but a sad topic yet one that we need to be aware of as the world is so threatened.

  8. Just a wonderful poem, but indeed so sad......


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