
Monday 26 November 2012

Words about Birds

Wild waves on the sea. I can just about see some black ducks sitting in the troughs of the waves, bobbing up and down. Are they velvet scoters? Probably (I often see these birds here) but I can't be sure enough to record them this time as a sighting on Birdtrack!

Meanwhile, a long line of mallards sails out from the river into the sea. There's something comical about this seeming bravery, touching too. Though it's off that it should seem like that as mallards are much more robust than most sea going ducks!

A flurry of meadow pipits over the long grass.

A kestrel hunting over the same grassy area.

One of the Lagoons black with oystercatchers, and the sudden red of a beak as one turns to preen itself. The other lagoons are spotted with lapwings, teal and wigeon.

The wind so wild that my coffee flask wobbles in the bird hide.

today at Musselburgh

If you are going birding in Edinburgh or the Lothians, how about checking out the Lothian Birds Recent Sightings page before you go? This page tells you what unusual species have been seen recently.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. I haven't been to Musselburgh for years but your words have taken me back!

  2. I always marvel at the amazing strength of bird's wings as they fly in horrible winds and rain. Some of the gulls that breed in Minnesota and Canada fly 5,000 miles back and forth!

  3. It is nice to check out what birds are being seen in a certain area before you go. Oystercatchers are one of my favorites, they are neat looking birds. Sounds like a great birding outing.

  4. So many birds. So well described.

    These clear days here we see huge rafts of snow geese out in the bay. Eventually they rise up in great unruly, noisy skeins and fly inland to field to graze.


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