
Saturday 10 November 2012

Wonderful Woodlands and Waxwings!

We wandered round the Hermitage of Braid today, which is looking beautiful with all the autumn leaves.

We briefly saw a group of twenty waxwings near Blackford Pond, but didn't get very close to them. Unlike yesterday, when I got caught up in a flock of fifty that were flying around the Dalry area of Edinburgh, lining up on the roofs and tv aerials and then diving down to the rowan trees to eat the berries, before wheeling off again. Quite wonderful, and some of them came very close to me! I didn't have a camera with me but this was one of those times when I was more than content just to enjoy the moment rather than lose it all in trying to focus my camera.

And for all those of you who have become Sylvain fans, he will be back tomorrow for one final blog post before he moves on to his next host.

For Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Such a beautiful place to walk in autumn! I love the colors and the shadows! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Waxwings, how beautiful in their plumpness.

    How I love robins when they land in the oleanders on my balcony.

  3. Beautiful, gentle tones of colour and light! Gorgeous areas for wandering and dreaming!

  4. I'm madly envious. My garden is brimming with pyracantha, cotoneaster and sea buckthorn berries - all planted to tempt waxwings. Hopefully they'll move westwards when they've depleted the berries in the east.

  5. this is a beautiful serie .... I love the first one !

  6. The forest here is awash in mid-Autumn glory, the leafless trees adding a carpet of foliage on the ground. The subtle sun and equally soft shadows make this a quiet and reflective place...

  7. Wow, you still have a lot of beautiful leaves out there!

    Shadowy Hemp Hearts
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  8. That seems like a great place to spend some time. Lovely photos.

  9. sometimes you just have to take in the moments without the camera...great shadow shots tho!!!

  10. How I would welcome the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet, with a few still clinging to the trees overhead!

    Shadows of Silence

  11. Sometimes it is a blessing to be without the camera, to just be in the moment. Frustrating, too, though.

    Beautiful photos of your golden carpet of leaves.

  12. Waxwings are my favorite of all the birds. I think they may have come to us by way of Siberia and Alaska because they are identical to yours.
    Every fall flocks of them come and raid the tiny crabapples off of my tree.

  13. Your waxwing looks a little different than ours. Yours look like they have mor color on the wings. But it sounds like the behavior is the same! Love them.

  14. Aw to walk in those woods and enjoy the peace.

  15. What a beautiful place to walk. Lovely shots.


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