
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Stars for National Poetry Day

It's National Poetry Day in the UK tomorrow! Here I'm reposting a poem I first posted for National Poetry Day 2012. It was first published in the Ghazal Pages Astronomy Issue.I haven't written any ghazals lately so this is partly a reminder to myself that I should write more of them!


Starry Skies

This woodland clearing dances with bright stars
the sky above full of glistening stars.

The city night glowing strangely orange
no room found now for the twinkling stars.

Sparks rise from the bonfire into the sky
to find their place with the glittering stars.

Trees in the park are draped with fairy lights
that mirror the sky full of shining stars.

Gazing at the astronomy photo
the poet is lost in inspiring stars. 

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks that take you to other websites where you can find out more.  


  1. Very nice, Juliet.

  2. brilliant!

    thanks for brightening my day.

  3. I'll put a poem on Stars very soon in my blog...the stars I saw and sensed one night after walking a friend of mine to the boat stop and throwing noisily the rubbish bag into the container...a very Unpoetical act that produced a poem...under the stars.

  4. I love the Ghazal form, so suited to these starlit cameos! 'STARS' has been a great theme ...

  5. Absolutely lovely! You could make an etegami of each poetic image. One line particularly grabs me, so maybe I'll paint it myself.

  6. Stars!

    Every night now!

    A rare treat

    Here in the Pacific Norhtwest.

  7. I had to google "ghazal" to learn what it is. What an interesting form!

  8. lovely poem Juliet

    much love...

  9. I went to national Poetry day Live in London because I was a Commended Foyle Young Poet of the Year this year, and it was amazing! There were so many great poets reading their fantastic poetry, and it was really inspiring. have you ever been? It's a free event, so you should go next year! :)
    Catherine x

  10. Fine as always Juliet... nature's inspirations!


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