
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Autumn Colours

Today it's been one of those perfect autumnal days, blue skies, the leaves starting to turn colour and robins singing their wistful autumn-song.

I was along the Water of Leith this morning and was amazed how many robins I saw, even at one point a group of about six adults, which is pretty unusual for the British robin, which is a loner of a bird really and very territorial, it even keeps territories in the winter, hence the special autumn (and winter) song.I saw lots of long tailed tits as well, bouncing around in the trees.

Also nice to see the last flowers of summer still hanging round, like this purple loosestrife.

And there were lots of spiders around too. I even managed to take a photo of a spiders web for the first time. This is a golden orb spider in its web.

For Nature Notes


  1. My most favorite time of year. The light and colors are so beautiful.

  2. What a lovely day.

  3. It has been grey and damp and cold today so it was lovely to see your sunny pictures!

    Pomona x

  4. Great nature scenes, Juliet! It is nice to have great weather to get out and enjoy these Autumn colors. Sounds like you saw a good number of birds too. The flowers are pretty, lovely photos and post.

  5. Our American robins are migrating from Alaska and Canada. Every day there are flocks of them in the wooded lot and the crabapple trees. I set out pans of water for them and I love to see them line up for a drink. I think our robins must be more social than your British robins

  6. Webs all over here! And those October skiies of the Northern Hemisphere...

  7. What blue skies you had, and the purple loosestrife is such a vibrant colour.

    There are plenty of robins around in the Forest this autumn. Nuthatches are doing well too.

  8. Gorgeous photos. I feel my spirits lift just looking at them. The blue of that sky is divine!

  9. Yes it is fall, but how bright the blue sky looks. I haven't seen any of the american robins since summer as they breed and leave. Thank you for linking into Nature Notes Juliet... Michelle

  10. You don't get those kinds of views in California - One of these days I'll have to get back home! Not to Edinburgh though - I belong tae Gleskie. You'll know what that means! (It's OK I gave up those city rivalries a long time ago, but I do remember growing up with them!)


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