
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Bunnies in Fiction - an update

Some of you (specially those of you with bunnies!) may remember this competition a while ago where I invited you to nominate your bunny or bunnies to feature in a short story and novel. Well, as announced in this post, Humphrey, the rabbit of Cottontails Baby won the prize of appearing in my short story. I've now sent this story off to seek a magazine or similar that might publish it (as well as sending a copy to Humphrey for his approval). You can read Humphrey's thoughts about the story here.

I think I've chosen the winner(s) for the novel too, but I'll wait just a little longer before finally choosing (the delay is due to the novel being quite difficult at the moment. I'm happy with the start of it, but am now a bit stuck. Hopefully I'll get properly moving on it again soon). Anyway, even though I think I've got a winner (or winners) please, if you want your bunny to be a star this is the absolute last call for entries to this competition. So if your bunny would like to enter and hasn't already done so, please read this post and answer the questions there.

The novel and short story are both set in a future independent (and much flooded) Scotland. The main characters in the stories are human but the bunnies are very important too! The stories are not children's stories, but are speculative fiction (not quite scientific or tech-based enough to be really science fiction).

And for the bunnies who I don't choose, never fear, there may be the chance to be characters in a series of children's stories I'm writing. The first of these (which I wrote long before I thought of the competition) has been accepted for publication and should be appearing online soon (of course as soon as it does I'll link to it from this blog!).I don't know how many more stories I'll write in this series, but it could be a few!

As ever, red text contains hyper-links that take you to other websites where you can find out more!


  1. I look forward to reeading that story Juliet - I don't have bunnies (the farmer is not overly keen!) but I love reading about them.

  2. Me too. I'm going to want to read your story too!

  3. Tommaso Gervasutti ( Davide )7:30 pm

    Great post on the bunnies. It made me think of the various rodents I met in my life...Capibaras in Verona zoo who came by the fence and even if it was written not to touch them they clearly came to be patted on the head and I did that and they clearly enjoyed that because they stood with my hand beyond the fence on their head. I still have got a photo somewhere, it was back in the seventies and I was living with two Guinea Pigs in my bedroom, one was albino with rose eyes.

  4. Best of luck writing the story. And congratulations for having a story accepted for publishing online. Very cool!

  5. Wishing you every success...I'm a bunny lover for sure.

  6. All farmers should have a house bunny or two!

    Wow - good news on the writing. keep going ....

  7. sounds great Juliet!!! will love to read them :)
    off to check out the links!

  8. Bunnies in speculative fiction! I love it.

    My husband used to have rabbits... Great fertilizer. And a little kid being pulled in a wagon with seven baby bunnies? The paparazzi flock!

    But I'm afraid to say that eventually they all ended up in rabbit pie.


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