
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Salad from the Windowsill

I recently harvested the first batch of salad leaves from our windowsill garden. They were delicious alongside hummus. I think the harvests will be small but frequent!We've got more seeds too, from packets I was sent as gifts.


  1. So pretty! A windowsill garden. How fun!

  2. There is quite enough greenery there Juliet for a meal with hummous, I agree. And they are cut and come again after all.
    I keep trying to grow basil on my sill as I love tomato, mozzarella and basil salad - but my basil just wilts and dies - very disappointing.

  3. Nothing tastier than fresh herbs! My favourite summer herb is fresh basil. YUM! I LOVE pesto. :)

  4. Thanks Michelle!

    Weaver, what a shame your basil doesn't grow. Ours always does really well... And yes, cut and come salad leaves...

  5. Well, not from a windowsill, but from a fig-tree in my garden in the countryside I took at least fifty figs, so many surely owing to the tremendous August heat.

    Salad from a windowsill sounds anyway much, much more as a peculiar feat.

  6. Tommaso - a fig tree sounds wonderful! We had a papaya tree in our garden when we lived in Malawi, until it was blown down in a storm...

  7. my daughter wants to grow herbs and salad from a windowsill garden in her wee flat, so its great to see it can be done. I am ashamed to say, I have plenty room in my garden to grow salad and herbs and quite a lot more actually, but don't. Think it is time to make a change!! Ha! The worm has turned -so to speak ;o)

  8. Mario would like to invite himself over to taste test. He's working on his passport.


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