
Saturday 11 August 2012


I love Hornbeam trees, they're not native to Scotland (though they are native to southern England) but were planted centuries ago along the Water of Leith. Their wood is very hard and was used in construction of the mills that used to line the river. I took these photos earlier in the week, when I last wandered round the Dells along the Water of Leith.

Today I was back at the Foodies Festival and will blog about that again tomorrow (you can see yesterday's post on the event here). I was delighted to win the tickets for the festival from Real Foods.

I was also delighted to win a pair of tickets to any show I wanted during the festival at Greenside. Crafty Green Boyfriend and I chose to see Grim(m) - Unreal Stories for Real Times last night. You can read my review on my Over 40 Shades blog here. To have your chance to win a pair of tickets to your choice of show, just follow GreensideVenue on Twitter.

For Shadow Shot Sunday

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more!


  1. Lovely shadow shots for the day! Looks like you're enjoying some great weather!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Beautiful lighting on these lovely plants!

  3. Superb shadow shots. Enjoy the Foodie Shows.

  4. Juliet, lovely shadow shots. Sounds like a busy time for you with the festival and the show. Congrats on winning the tickets.

  5. I like how the hornbeam reaches out from the shadows. How nice that you've won tickets! YAY!

  6. Beautiful shades of green there. But I bet they look even better IRL!

  7. Thanks for the mini-history of the hornbeam!

    Crooked Street Shadows

  8. Sounds great. I've never been to the Foodies Fest but may think about it for next year. Great to know all the smaller, ethical food people are also there! Cheers:)


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