
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Foodies Festival, Edinburgh

Real Foods, an ethical food company with two shops in Edinburgh recently ran a competition to win tickets to Edinburgh's Foodie Festival, 10-12 August. All you had to do to be in with a chance of winning was to say why you should win, I said I would write an awesome blog-post! I duly won the tickets and will need to write an awesome blog post once I've been to the festival!

In the meantime, you can find out more about the festival here. There will be lots going on including tastings, demonstrations and master classes. The festival has been criticised in the past for cordoning off part of a public park for a private event, which I agree is controversial, particularly as Edinburgh has a fine events venue at the Royal Highland Show grounds, which hosts events such as Gardening Scotland as well as the Royal Highland Show itself. Having said that, I'm looking forward to the event and will report back in suitably awesome style in due course!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. Congratualtions!! Eagerly awaiting the post

  2. Happy white rabbit day. I look forward to your awesome post!

  3. Well done for winning your tickets! Enjoy your day at the Foodies Festival.

  4. Congrats! A foodie festival sounds yummy. I am playing catchup on my blog reading after being on vacation. I will look forward to hearing how you liked the festival.

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Congratulations on winning tickets and I look forward to the post you write.

    Happy Thursday

  6. Awesome! (ouch)


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