
Thursday 30 August 2012

Book Spine Poetry

Thanks Marianne for inspiring me to do this!

Out of Eden, the Wild Places Collapse. 

You can see more of my attempts on Over Forty Shades here. And if you're inspired to try some yourself, Edinburgh Central Library would like to see them!

For a particularly impressive and inspiring example, see the poem JoAnne put together over on Titus the Dog

Advance notice of some readings

 I'm reading at the launch of Anti-Zine, the magazine of the Antisocial Writers Club, 7pm, Thursday 20 September at 3rd Door, 45-47 Lothian Street, Edinburgh.

I'm reading 10 minutes of poetry at 10 Red, 7.30pm, Wednesday 3 October at the Persevere, Easter Road, Edinburgh.


  1. That's so cool! Brilliant, and I feel a little inspired.

  2. Excellent! Your book spine poem speaks volumes.

  3. Creativity exudes always from your blog. Brilliant, imaginative ideas.

  4. That's so fun!Wish I could be there to hear you read.

  5. That's a great idea. Like found poetry :)

  6. It is really nice.Thanks for posting.Keep it up.I will wait for your next post.
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