
Friday 17 August 2012

Additions to the Herb Garden

As many of you will know, we've been growing tomatoes and herbs on our windowsills for a few years now. At the moment, our first tomatoes are ripe and our basil is thriving. We've already tried twice to grow coriander this year and failed but the latest batch is making a good start and our salad leaf plants seem to be also making a good start. Our dill sadly got ill and died and our rocket was scarily yellow and pathetic looking so we composted that.

Today we just received  a parcel from the Fresh Herb Company, a prize from a Twitter competition that contained this handsome window box, which certainly makes our windowsill look much tidier:

and this handsome mezzaluna herb chopper with bamboo chopping board.

Plus a wee book about making the most of herbs!

So many thanks to the Fresh Herb Company! Their website contains tips on caring for herbs, information on herbs and health, ideas for using herbs and a blog.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Congratulations on that lovely herby stuff Juliet. I tried basil on my window sill (won't grow outside here) but sadly it curled up its toes and died. I so love a salad of tomatoes, mozarella and basil, but I have to buy it fresh every time I want to make the salad.

  2. Hi Weaver, sorry you've never had success with basil, it thrives on our window-ledge, i was so surprised the first time, I'd never expected it would!

  3. You are going to get the best of nature for your cooking... How lucky ! and nice chopchop !

  4. It's so exciting, that first crop of the season, isn't it?
    I have some lemon basil, growing in a pot on my back step-- lovely stuff. Can't wait for my own tomato plant to fruit! We've had drought here all summer.

  5. Looks good. Now, isn't basil good for repelling blackflies that's why it's often grown alongside tomatoes.

  6. Basil is the loveliest of all herbs. It enhances everything you use it in!

  7. I love to see them grow and the smell alone is so worth it.

  8. So many herbs, so little time ... (My neighbor recently published an article in our local paper about sorrel and a recipe for using it in potato soup. We will be trying that when soup time rolls around!)

  9. What a lovely prize to win! It has been a difficult growing year for us - we can usually grow basil outside, but this year a north-facing window sill has been successful.

    Pomona x

  10. Juliet, thanks for the 'heads up' re the Fresh Herb Company.

  11. I am impressed that you can grow herbs inside on a window sill. I cannot. Our yard is full of trees and mostly shady so it's hard to grow any herbs at all, even outdoors.

  12. A nice - and very useful surprise - for you!

  13. A lush windwsill indeed. You lived in Malawi? Before deciding to go to Edimburgh for the new year I was thinking of going to Cape Town!
    I was discouraged by the hours of flight, around 13!


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