
Wednesday 25 July 2012

soldier beetles on umbellifers

It's a lovely sunny day today, looks like we're getting some summer at last! I walked round Colinton and Craiglockart Dells by the Water of Leith this morning. The lime trees (lindens) were in flower and buzzing with bees, the raspberries are ripening, several ringlet butterflies were flying around and the various umbellifer flowers were covered in red soldier beetles. Many of the umbellifers can be considered weedy plants and not particularly special (and the Giant Hogweed is downright noxious) but the beetles love them! (the flowers here are native hogweeds).

 The water levels are lessening a little from their extreme highs after recent floods. Colinton weir is still rushing though. I had dropped my litter picker into the river and had to go down under the bridge to pick it up and then took this photo which shows the weir from an angle we don't often see it from.
For Nature Notes

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. Hi CGP! It is great to see what is growing on other continents! I have never seen soldier beetles! I really enjoy hearing about the Water of Leith too - sounds so poetic :)

  2. I love the smell of linden trees when they are in bloom Juliet. Makes me quite nostalgic to be up there on the water of Leith.

  3. We have soldier beetles here but I don't see them that often. How green you are there. I know it has been too wet for you and too dry for us. Moderation would be nice...Thank you for linking up this week...Michelle

  4. __A quick look to the Hogweed, reminds me of the (now) wild Queen Anne's Lace... so numerous here in New England; the 'wild carrot.'
    __Fine photos!
    __As always! _m

  5. You always take us on such lovely walkies.

  6. Our Linden is abloom and totally buzzing all day long with the bees!

    As I was out,
    a'pickin' litter,
    I dropped my picker,
    and now It's litter!

    (I have a litter picker!)

  7. What a beautiful shot of the water from your unusual angle. I have just been watching soldier beetles hovering a few inches above our grass. I keep thinking (just for a moment) that they may be ladybirds when the red of their wings is caught in the sunlight as they fly.

  8. I've often looked at those beetles on the umbellifers and idly wondered they were!

    I often think umbelliferous plants are the sort of equivalent of small waders or warblers, an area where my confidence in identification is a bit week. Queen Anne's Lace is one I'm usually quite sure of, and cow parsley, which we don't really get round here, but all the other hogweeds and wild carrots and angelica and so on are a bit vague to me.

  9. Libby, bunnits, Paula, Caroline thanks!

    Weaver - i love the smell of linden trees in bloom too,

    Rambling Woods - yes we've had too much rain, you've not had enough...

    Magyar - yes quite like Queen Anne's Lace

    Rabbits Guy - how wonderful to have the bees buzzing in your linden tree all day! Thanks for the poem!

    Lucy - yes id is difficult...


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