
Monday 2 July 2012

Monday Bunday - endangered rabbits and fiction update

When thinking about endangered animals in Sumatra, rabbits aren't what people generally first think of. However, bunny bloggers in particular may be interested to read more about the endangered Sumatran striped rabbit.


You may remember, I recently asked you to enter your rabbits into a contest. Winners will be featured either in a short story I'm writing or in a novel. You can find out more here. I'm very close to deciding which lucky bun will feature in the short story and will announce that here hopefully very soon. However, there's still time to enter your bunny (or bonded pair of bunnies) to be considered for starring roles in my novel (or even in the short story, you never know!). 

The novel is about climate change refugees in a future independent (and flooded) Scotland. The refugees are given rabbits as gifts by the Scottish islanders. Rabbits are eaten in the novel, but the roles that are up for grabs are loved and cared for pet bunnies.

If you would like your bunny to be considered for this role, please leave a comment below or on a related Facebook update (Not on Twitter, you'll need more than 140 characters!) and tell me:

a) why your bunny wants to feature in my work
b) how you chose your bunny's name
c) how your bunny behaves when very happy
d) your bunny's favourite food
e) your bunny's naughtiest habit

Thanks and good luck! And remember, I'm looking for bunnies who will fit into the stories, so if you're bunny isn't successful, it's nothing against your bunny! I love all bunnies, but there's a limit to how many I can include in these two pieces of writing!


  1. good luck to all those bunnies who've been entered in the contest. may the best bunny win. have a great day~

  2. I am afraid that bunnies and all mention of them are persona (or bunnona) non grata in our house as the fields are overrun with them Juliet.

  3. Wow--I've never heard about this stripey bunny before.

    I'm looking forward to reading what you write!

  4. Very interesting article Juliet. I have also never heard of this rabbit. It will be fascinating to find out more about them.

    Look forward to reading your stories.

  5. Me too. Let the best bunny win!

  6. I'm looking forward to the stories!

  7. I have seen the pictures .... (I don't want one though!)

  8. Awww -- I love bunnies. Are there really bunny bloggers? I can't wait to learn more about your book(s)....


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