
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Edinburgh International Film Festival

Edinburgh International Film Festival starts tomorrow! It looks like another excellent programme and I'm looking forward to reviewing selected films here and on Over Forty Shades from next Monday onwards.

You can see the programme here and book tickets here.

Tickets for most films cost £9 (£7.50 concession). Howard from Belvedere Mountain Express complained about this on a previous post. However I think it's pretty reasonable value when you consider that of the cinemas in walking distance of where I live charge: £7.30; £7.50 or £8.70 for a standard adult ticket for an evening screening. If you choose your films wisely at the Film Festival you can see brilliant films that never come back to the screen and for that I think it's well worth paying up to an extra £1.70.

Admittedly I do have a press pass and will be viewing more films than I would probably do otherwise. I can't make the press screening of RentaNeko unfortunately, and may buy a ticket (if there are any left!) for one of the public screenings.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. Thanks for mentioning the issue of ticket pricing. Conversely, though, in seeing a festival film you are taking a gamble, because reviews are not available, so arguably tickets should be cheaper than in normal cinemas because of that!

    Ordinary evening and weekend tickets at the Filmhouse cost £7.50, so I think that would be a reasonable enough price, but £9 is a blatant rip-off. I bet visitor numbers are down on 2010, as well.

  2. It is at times like this Juliet that I really envy you living where you do.

  3. sounds like a great time will be had. have fun with reviewing select films. have a great day~

  4. It looks like you have a delightful week ahead of you!

  5. Remember to stay hydrated and get up and walk and stretch now and then. Oh, and take notes!

    What an assignment!

  6. Lucky you to have a press pass! I hope you enjoy the films.

  7. What fun! I love film festivals (and making films) and this sounds wonderful. Have a great time, and post some reviews, if you can!

  8. Sounds like it's going to be a wonderful time.

  9. Howard, numbers last year were down on the year before, most people thought it was the worst film festival ever. I have eccentric eclectic tastes and thought it was the best film festival ever, so a lot of this is personal choice.

    I certainly would prefer to pay £9 for a cinema ticket than £10 for a Book festival ticket where you are basically expected to buy the book(s) as well.


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