
Thursday 3 May 2012

Burdiehouse Burn Park

It was lovely and sunny this afternoon and just round the corner from the community centre where I'd been at a meeting is Burdiehouse Burn Park, which I've never visited before. So I spent a happy couple of hours wandering by the river, listening to the willow warblers' wonderful falling song, the blackcaps' rich warble and the chiffchaffs' sometimes inexpert repetition of their own name. (And, yes, you may notice if you follow the links, the chiffchaff and the willow warbler look almost identical and can really only be told apart by their song). There were orange tips, small tortoiseshells and a peacock butterfly too.

Burdiehouse Burn Park in parts is a suburban park, but in parts it feels almost wild and it serves to show how much bird-life can be found in the middle of a built up area!

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more!


  1. Hi Juliet,

    Looks like the perfect way to spend a sunny day and how neat that you got to see the birds, so tranquil with the river.
    Hope you are enjoying the week


  2. Habitat, food, water = birds!

    Good to keep such places!

  3. Looks like you had a delightful trek. What a nice, sunny day. It was cloudy here, with much needed rain. Can't complain about a nice spring rain.

  4. Looks like a beautiful day. I'm amazed at how you can recognize the birds by their songs. I have absolutely no ear for that....

  5. Hi Carolyn - yes it was perfect!

    Rabbits' Guy - yes, we totally need to look after these places!

    bunnits - rain is good, but so is sunshine and we've already had a lot of rain recently

    Karen - i've been learning birdsong for years and still I don't always recognise who's singing...

  6. That looks and sounds like a great place for walking.


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