
Thursday 24 May 2012

Birds in the Haar

There was a slight haar (sea mist) when I got to Musselburgh this morning. Rather than lifting as it normally would mid morning, it just got thicker and thicker. In the photo below you can see it rolling off the Musselburgh Lagoons.

Despite the haar, though I saw some excellent birds today. Unfortunately the Lagoons were more or less empty as they often are when the tide is out (the high tide pushes the birds up the shore and onto the lagoons).

Away from the lagoons, though I had my best ever views of three birds that I don't see very often.

Three male reed buntings were singing in the grassy area near the lagoons. They're very handsome birds and they have a funny little song that I don't think I've ever heard before today. 

A pair of wheatears was dancing along the John Muir Walkway.

A few rock pipits were flying about, one of which kept stopping in front of me as I walked back into Musselburgh.

It was also lovely to hear several skylarks singing. Such a wonderful sound!

When I got back to the River Esk, I saw this happy family of Canada Geese. The goslings were just adorable!


  1. I'm glad you have goslings. I still have not seen any by the large wetland area by my place. I'm wondering if there's a fox or other predator taking them. I really miss seeing them.

  2. Love those young Canada geese Juliet - when we were at Alnwick castle last week Mrs Duck brought her brood into the restaurant to scout round for crumbs.

  3. I can picture part of your walk, Juliet, from our visit a couple of years ago. I don't think I have seen any goslings yet this year ~ what a lovely photo.

  4. I do love those goslings. Adorable!

  5. Lovely pictures - and those goslings are adorable! I've actually never seen a gosling in person - seen plenty of grown geese though!

  6. I love to watch birds, common or uncommon. And I love learning the name of new birds.

    I had to laugh when I saw your title, here in the South some people say haar instead of hair. Birds nesting in your haar, talk about a bad haar day!

  7. The Sea Mist - Brrrrr. Reminds me of our year on the South Oregon Coast.

  8. It has been foggy here lately too but sometimes it seems the birds like that kind of weather and are more out and about. (That may be my imagination.) It's nice to see the Canada geese goslings.

  9. Sea mist. Makes for lovely photos.

    Cute goslings. We have many, many Canada geese here in Huntsville and they are sometimes a bit of a nuisance, but I still love spotting the little ones.

  10. Aw sweet little ones. I enjoy the Canadian geese.


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