
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Gorgie Farm

This afternoon I ran a creative writing workshop at Gorgie City Farm. I had got up this morning and looked out the window with a bit of a sinking heart to see all the grey clouds, but by this afternoon it was beautifully sunny which meant we could have a lovely wander round the farm before starting to write. The farm pond was full of frogs sitting motionless in the water. The bunnies were all in their shed, which meant we only got a glimpse of Driftwood and didn't see any of the others. Red the horse was wandering round the field, totally unconcerned about the jackdaws on his back.

The workshop participants wrote some lovely pieces and enjoyed visiting the farm. I made some notes for writing a piece about house sparrows, after watching these birds in the farm hedges!

Then I bought some fruit and veg at the farm's lovely produce stall.


  1. The link about sparrows was interesting-- I have lots of what I assume are their US counterparts hanging around my yard, often. I'll have to check on the species, now.

  2. Love hearing about your trips to Gorgie Farm! Sounds like such a good place to visit.

  3. Heavy Hedonist - they'll be the same species, they were introduced from here when someone tried to introduce all the birds mentioned in Shakespeare to the USA - sparrows were one of the species to make it!

    Christina - it is a wonderful place to visit, you can even have cuddle time with the rabbits if you want!

  4. That sounds like a perfect day!

  5. The only place I visited in Scotland was Edinburgh on a cold, windy day. I mostly remember the painful walk up to the castle. How nice it would have been to visit Georgie Farm to see the birds and wildlife instead!

  6. What a perfect day! We visited a place that had a bunny today - Nosh. Nosh ignored me!

  7. I like that name, Gorgie Farm. I would love to see that pond full of frogs (they're creatures dear to my heart).

  8. Wow, what a great example of how literature can alter reality!

  9. How wow. I can just imagine how fun it would be to have a workshop in such a wonderful place!

    Guess what Juliet? I got the mud cake prize today! I totally forgot I had won it! The packaging was torn to bits. I'm suprized it even got to me.

    I'm going to share them with a friend that has the most wonderful birds in her yard.

    Thank you for the prize!

  10. Sounds lovely. I would like a place like that one day.

  11. This sounds like it was a fabulous time and an enriching day.


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