
Wednesday 28 March 2012

National Spring Clean

Anyone who cares about the environment at all must be concerned about the amount of litter. How often do you go for a nice wander through the woods or the hills only to find drinks cans in the heather and trees decorated with bags of dog poo? In many areas of our towns and cities, the situation is much worse. Then there's the effect of litter on our waterways and oceans. (the Midway project is a powerful exploration of these problems).

So Keep Scotland Beautiful are running the National Spring Clean through April and May. They hope that 200 000 people will join in this year and volunteer to clean up their local area. This offers an ideal team building and corporate responsibility opportunity for your company or organisation! Your staff or members could get to know each other while doing something really worthwhile and cleaning up a local area. To find out where your nearest litter pick is, you can visit this handy interactive map. I'll be picking litter every week, as I always do, along the Water of Leith. The Water of Leith Conservation Trust runs river clean ups every spring. You can find out more on the volunteering page of their website.

I've also blogged about this over on my new blog here.

As ever, text in red contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Litter is everywhere, I'm afraid. I hope the campaign works to clean things up.

  2. Having never been to Scotland I have this idea that it's already clean and green but if it isn't I hope you get a good turn out and make it so.

  3. Hi Juliet,

    It really surprises me how much rubbish people drop and they don't care. Yes, we all need to try and keep our beautiful Countries clean.
    Good luck with your Spring clean.

    Happy day

  4. thanks for help in raising awareness.

    brilliant post!

    i love your blog. wishing a great day!

  5. There are Spring cleans on all the beaches in Cornwall and there are an awful lot! The rubbish is mostly in the form of flotsam and jetsam with the majority being plastic. As for dog poo bags that seems to be creating s whole new problem........agh! There are no bins in laybys here just a sign which says " Mrs Baggit says take it home". Enjoy your Spring clean.

  6. brilliant post...need of the hour...

  7. Anonymous9:46 am

    As a staff member of Keep Scotland Beautiful and one of the organisers of National Spring Clean, thank you for highlighting our 2-month long campaign. Over 60,000 people are already signed up to clean up their favourite part of Scotland - so people do care!! our target is 200,000 so come on everyone, do join in the fun at

  8. Thanks for this great post and for all your litter picking efforts.

    With over 98% of Scottish Schools now taking part in Eco –Schools Scotland, the Keep Scotland Beautiful flagship education programme I am sure that someday soon litter will be a thing of the past.

    In the meantime thanks to you and hundreds of thousands of volunteers who do something positive every year.

    Thanks again


    Keep Scotland Beautiful

  9. Thanks for this great post and for all your litter picking efforts.

    With over 98% of Scottish Schools now taking part in Eco –Schools Scotland, the Keep Scotland Beautiful flagship education programme I am sure that someday soon litter will be a thing of the past.

    In the meantime thanks to you and hundreds of thousands of volunteers who do something positive every year.

    Thanks again


    Keep Scotland Beautiful


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