
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Climate Week

It's Climate Week this week in the UK! Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future. There are events happening all over the country, you can find those happening in your area by using this handy interactive map.

Hopefully the events and awareness raising that go on as part of Climate Week can inspire people and organisations to take steps to reduce their impact on the environment!

I wrote a brief piece about Climate Week on my new blog here, and apologies to the several people who visited that blog expecting a piece about why I volunteer for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust and found an empty post. I had accidentally pressed Publish instead of Save. However that piece will be ready to read next week!


  1. Over here, we have a presidential candidate – apparently with a real chance of being nominated and even elected – claiming that climate change is a hoax; great kidders, those scientists. Many of his ideological soulmates have moved to the fall-back position that it's a natural occurrence, and therefore to be ignored. And then, many members of his party's core constituency believe we are living in the End Times and efforts to save the planet are against God's plan.

    Spread the word. And watch the skies!

  2. Hi Bill - scary isn't it?

  3. I wonder how many people really think about these issues Juliet. On Countryfile last week they were looking at carbon footprint and food and really people had no idea which foods were the worst culprints and they really didn't seem all that interested. I don't know what it takes to get them interested really.

  4. Hi Weaver, I think there are those people who care a lot and those who care not at all and just a few who are in the middle who can be persuaded to care... Though I don't think phrases like carbon footprint are all that helpful sometimes, it must sound weird and obscure to people who aren't already in the know...

  5. Events like climate week are important to raise awareness. It's hard not to get depressed at times about what we do to our beautiful planet.

  6. Thanks for all this good information. Everyone everywhere has to do what they can to make a difference...a positive difference.

  7. A great idea and effort. It's a tough sell, climate change - what to do about it. Here in the far Pacific Northwest of the USofA there will be 15 or 20 of us some weekend-day plantng little seedlings along a river as fast as we can. We look up the mountain side where loggers are cutting them 'oos of times faster.

    We've got to significantly increase awareness and leverage from what we have in a big way.

  8. Carver - I agree entirely

    Rabbits Guy - i was thinking exactly that last night, except here it's more likely to be housing developers, or other building projects chopping down the trees.


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