
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Edinburgh International Science Festival 2012

I was at the launch of the Edinburgh International Science Festival today. The programme looks brilliant with some expansion of the adult programme compared to previous years. Here's just a taste of the environmentally related events that are coming up:

Children and Family Events

Sustainable Sea Fish - Thursday 5 April 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm, 3.30pm. (£3)

Shearwater, Seabirds, Stories, Songs and Science - a musical and storytelling exploration of the manx shearwater. Friday 6 April 2pm (£4)

Eating on the Wild Side - a beginner's guide to foraging - Saturday 7 April 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm, 3.30pm

Street Science - the street science team (demonstrating their show at the launch, above!) will be out and about during the festival at locations across Edinburgh.

Adult Programme

Emergency 2012 - is climate change even more of a threat than we thought? Tuesday 3 April, 5.30pm. (£10 / £8)

Catalytic Clothing - clothes that can purify air! Wednesday 4 April, 5.30pm. (£8/£6)

On Extinction - an evening of poetry, reflection and conversation about extinctions of cultures, languages and species. Wednesday 4 April. 5.30pm. (£10/£8).

The Secret Life of Scottish Seals - Wednesday 4 April. 5.30pm (£10/£7.50).

The Case for Young People and Nature - Edinburgh Medal Address. Tuesday 10 April 7pm (£10/£8).

Our Climate Future - Wednesday 11 April 8pm. (£8/£6).

Fixing the Planet - How can we solve the climate crisis? Thursday 12 April 5.30pm. (£8/£6)

Biofuels: An Ethical Solution? Saturday 14 April 3.30pm. (£8/£6)

For more information about any of these events or the many others that are taking place, please see the Festival programme here. There are comedy shows, film screenings, a strand of events on food and one on movement, dance and sport. You'll notice, just from the listing above for 5.30pm, 4 April that sometimes you'll be spoilt for choice so book your tickets early!

Blurofwoodsmoke also blogged (in more detail!) about the launch, you can read her post here.


  1. Wow you lucky thing, how will you decide what to go to. If I was a little nearer I would go to On Extinction. One of my favourite contemporary poets is Kenneth Steven now in Aberfeldy I wonder if he will be there. Enjoy whatever you chose.

  2. What a lot of choices. Enjoy yourself!

  3. I am always amazed at the ideas people think up especially children and a science festival sounds pretty cool!

  4. Sounds wonderful :) and makes science fun and accessible to people.

  5. Will there be a good sized crowd?

  6. Cuby Poet - it will be a difficult decision!

    Ms Sparrow - thanks, i will!

    Christina - it is cool, always a good event!

    Carol - it is!

    Rabbit's Guy - most events get a large audience and the kids activity centre gets very busy!


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