
Sunday 1 April 2012

Creative Writing Workshop at Gorgie City Farm

There are still places available on the creative writing workshop I'm facilitating at Gorgie City Farm! If you intend to go along, please book in advance to avoid disappointment!

Gorgie City Farm
Be Inspired by the Animals!

Creative Writing Workshop
with local writer Juliet Wilson

2-4pm, Tuesday 17 April 2012

Cost: £10 / £8 concessions

BOOK NOW by phoning Malcolm on 0131 623 7031 or emailing

The workshop will include a tour of the farm.

When I worked for the Federation of City Farms I was based at Gorgie City Farm so I know the farm and its animals well, though I admit to a certain bias towards the rabbits (and Dexter, who you see in the photo!) I’m delighted to be back at the farm to facilitate this workshop! And if it's successful, it may become a regular seasonal event!


  1. I wish I lived closer! I'd love the farm and I'm sure I would learn a lot from you. :)

  2. __I thought you may have interest in this one:

    red tail
    above the foothill chine
    a rainbow

    __Of course, our local Red Tail Hawk, and I thank you for the info. __Always. _m

  3. I once had a black cat named Dexter.
    It seems like the perfect name for certain cats, doesn't it?

  4. Wish I could attend. Enjoy the time together.

  5. Hi Juliet,

    Good luck with the workshop, and the farm will be a fun place to hold it. Dexter is adorable.

    Happy week

  6. I would love to join you if you were not so far away! I hope it goes well.

  7. my neighbor's
    big old cat . . .
    I blink first

  8. What a setting - tell us how it goes.

  9. Hi there - thanks for the visit to my 'wordy' blog.

    Would love to attend the workshop - but airfare a little high!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  10. This sounds good. I wish I could come, Juliet.

  11. Oh, I'd love to be there. Have a great workshop.

    What a beautiful kitty in the photo.

  12. I agree about the new word verification. It has made commenting very frustrating. I've been thinking about disabling it, too.

  13. Sounds wonderful, I wish I could participate and yes I bet the critters are inspirational.

  14. What a cute cat!
    Thanks for the info about James Brush's book. I absolutely have to check that out.


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