
Friday 27 January 2012

And the winners are....

John Muir Way, Musselburgh

Not having a trained rabbit to pick out names from a hat, I asked Crafty Green Boyfriend to pick the winners of the recent giveaway. So, the winners of the kits for making fat cakes for garden birds are:

Michelle May of Raspberry Rabbits

Deb G of bee creative

Bunnits of Art in the Wind

Christina of Rabid Tidbits

Magyar of Magyar Haiku

and Facebook friends Emma and Jane.

I've contacted all the winners for their addresses, which I will pass on to Yorkshire Water who will then send out the prizes directly.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to Yorkshire Water for donating the prizes! If you are a winner, I would be interested in hearing how your birds enjoy the fat cakes!


  1. Thanks Juliet. I am so excited that I won. I will take pictures and share how much the birds enjoy their garden prizes!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!

  3. Congrats to the winners! A fun project.

  4. Yippeee! I'm so excited! Thanks so very much! :)

  5. Woohoo! I'm your 400th follower!

  6. Yay! Thanks. It was a pleasant surprise. I know the birds will enjoy it.

    Hmm, I've been having trouble with some comments not posting to various blogs. It happened on this one last night.

  7. V excited! Thank you so much Juliet!


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