
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Water of Leith update

I had the most wonderful view ever of a kingfisher today. I was walking along the Water of Leith in Colinton Dell when I noticed the colour of a kingfisher out of the corner of my eye. It then landed on a branch overhanging the river, just very close to where I was standing. It turned to look at me, 'bowed' then dashed off, flying downstream in a flash of turquoise.


I was very pleased that Greener Leith posted my recent blogpost about the public meeting about the tree felling that is happening as part of the Flood Prevention Works along the Water of Leith. You may have read the post on this blog, but you can read it on Greener Leith here.

Tree felling was stopped yesterday at Canonmills as it seems the specific trees to be felled are subject to tree preservation orders and cannot be removed. The original plans for the Flood Prevention Work had committed to saving those specific trees. Some trees have already been felled along the river, this can't be avoided unfortunately if flood prevention is to be provided, as there is no natural flood plain alongside these parts of the river and the protecting walls can't be built without removing trees. Once the flood prevention works are completed two trees will be planted for every tree that is felled.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Every time I see a kingfisher it's already gone (or at least by the time I realise what it was). Quite a treat to get one to hang about long enough to admire.

    I shall keep watching for my Water of Leith updates. I seemto get a fair old chance to look over walls and bridges at it these days for myself, but that does give a rather one sided opinion, which as you know has people reaching for their plackards

  2. It is a few years since I last saw a kingfisher, down beside the River Avon in Hampshire. They are stunning birds. What a thrill for you, to see one today.

  3. When I hear "kingfisher," I think "Mary Oliver."

    When I hear "Waters of Leith," I always picture you in some Middle Earth-esque place...:)

  4. Kingfishers are cracking birds, blue darts on river banks! I think my last one was perched along River Durance in Provence... Ahhh, magic world!

  5. So glad to know that trees will be replaced 2:1 felled, though it will take decades for them to reach maturity. Good for you for all of your protest and vigilance.

  6. Anonymous12:53 am

    Kingfishers are wonderful - we have several types around here (all with sharp beaks ;) )

  7. I just read that 120 mature pines will take up the Carbon Dioxide caused by one "typical urbanized" person. Plant trees everyone!!!!

  8. Sandy - definitely a treat to have a kingfisher hang around! They don't ofrten do that, certainly not close to.

    Some stretches of the Water of Leith look awful at the moment with the construction going on and the trees coming down. No-one wants the trees to come down, but given we can't escape the flood prevention work, they're doing all they can to mitigate the effects.

    Personally though i understand and accept the work that is going on, I'm happy for every tree that can be saved...

  9. Dartford Warbler - it definitely was a thrill!

    Hannah - lol!

    Nat Hall - lovely description there

    Carol - thanks, but yes it will take a while for the area to be regenerated

    Gabrielle - and your kookaburra is the biggest species of kingfisher isn't it?

    Rabbits Guy - yes we should all plant trees!

  10. I saw a kingfisher back in the summer (also in Hampshire - like Dartford Warbler). I agree: stunning birds.

    Good news RE the tree felling.

  11. So sad the trees have had to come down, but as you say some things are unavoidable. Im so envious, i long to see a kingfisher!

  12. Hi Juliet,

    We often see Kingfishers over here, and they are beautiful birds, the bright and vibrant colours are lovely.
    Good to hear that your post on the tree felling was brought to the fore.

    Happy weekend

  13. Kingfishers are very cute...rarely see them now a days!


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