
Saturday 12 November 2011

Tree Year

I've said before on this blog how wonderful the autumn colours are this year. Our flat overlooks a couple of cherry trees that I have been casually blogging about for Tree Year. These trees for some reason always seem to lose their leaves later than most other cherry trees in Edinburgh. This is how one of them looked this morning - the photo really doesn't do justice to the full glory of the colours!

Meanwhile in Colinton Dell (which is an area of the Water of Leith that thankfully won't be affected by the Flood Prevention Works) this is how the hornbeams (that I've been studying for Tree Year) looked earlier this week. Notice in the first photo how some of the branches of the hornbeams are full of very yellow leaves, while others are full of leaves that are still very green!

As ever, red text in this post contains hyperlinks which take you to other websites where you can find out more.


  1. The colours have seemed brighter this year. I thought it was just me!

  2. I'm so distressed by the clear-cutting shown on the petition link. Must one live there to sign the petition? If not, I surely would add my name.

    I have a friend who lives in a Louisiana town that has been making some of the same decisions. He's been reasonably distraught over it - why do we insist on doing such inane, short-sighted things?


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