
Friday 14 October 2011

The Secret Animals of Castle Rock

Some people in Edinburgh possibly pass by Castle Rock without ever knowing about the animals that live there. I think I've blogged before about the bunnies that live on the hill below the castle. Their population seems to fluctuate, about two years ago I once counted 30 bunnies on the hill then more recently I've been lucky to see one.

Last night we went out early evening (to see the excellent New Model Army in concert) and passed Castle Rock. As ever, we stopped to see if we could see any bunnies and we counted 10, which is much more than we've seen since the famous count of 30.

On the way back, we passed Castle Rock again. This time there were no bunnies at all on the hill. Instead we saw two young foxes. One was halfway up the hill, digging around in a ditch, the other was sitting not far from us, watching us. They both seemed very relaxed about us being so near to them. After a while, the sitting fox leapt up and joined the other one and they chased each other round, playfighting. It's the first time I've seen foxes on Castle Rock, though Crafty Green Boyfriend has seen on there recently. I'll certainly be looking out for them there in the future!


  1. same story everywhere...dwindling wildlife...

  2. I hope the foxes aren't the reason the bunnies have disappeared? Castle Rock sounds cool. There is a ruins in Rome, I can't remember what it's called, but it has become a feral cat sanctuary.

  3. Well, the foxes would explain the reduction of bunny numbers--foxes have to eat, too (that or the buns are smart enough to keep on the downlow). Such is the way of the natural world.

  4. Ah-ha the mystery of the disappearing bunnies is now solved!

  5. The buns might have moved on when the fox moved in.

  6. Castle Rock sounds like a delightful place! I'd love to see 30 bunnies all in one place, in the wild. :)

  7. Anonymous7:58 am

    Would have been great to see a photo of the foxes. We have rabbits and foxes (both introduced, feral species) around here but you have to get up really early to see the rabbits and the only time I see the foxes is when you see a dead fox flattened by a car.

  8. Gabrielle - i was kicking myself for not having my camera with me.... I would have loved to have got a wee video of them!

    Lisa, Jade, Christina - the interesting thing is though that this is the first time I've seen foxes there and there were more rabbits this time then there have been recently (though they weren't there at the same time as the foxes).

    Ashok - not exactly though, there are more bunnies now than there have been recently and this is the first time i've seen foxes there...


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