
Sunday 9 October 2011

Gorgie City Farm

We went to Gorgie City Farm yesterday to catch up with the animals! It was a dull, dreich, drizzly day. Raindrops hung beautifully on the sweet peas.

These little piglets were playing innocently with their mother, unaware of the fact that soon they will feature in the 'Hot Dish of the Day - Pork Stew - featuring Gorgie pork' in the Farm Cafe or in some cordon bleu dish in the upmarket restaurant up the road.

The rabbits were all hidden away, sheltering from the rain.

This goat was also trying to keep out of the rain though he did show his head.

Finally we made friends with this adorable Ryelands sheep, not much more than a lamb really.


  1. i liked the foto of the goat in the wooden box...

  2. I went 'noooo!' when I read the bit about the piglets, not because I'm a veggie, but because it just sounds so brutal, too close to the bone! And how come the sweet peas in Edinburgh are still so beautiful when mine have turned brown and withered?

  3. How cute, I love all the farm animals. Especially the last sheep, or is it the lamb. Sorry it was raining, hopefully your weather is better now. Have a great week!

  4. Thanks for the update!

  5. What a fun tour, even in the rain. The sweet pea photo is lovely.

  6. all sweet photos; i like the raindrops on the flowers best

    much love...

  7. I really enjoyed those photos!

  8. Lovely photos! I used to get very upset as a child when our pigs used to go off to market. Didn't stop me from eating pork mind you. x


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