
Friday 28 October 2011

Blue Autumn Skies

Edinburgh's beautiful autumn continues (with a slight chill in the air now).

Earlier I had got off the bus a stop early and been rewarded with a sparrowhawk flying high above me, gliding then flapping its wings three times, gliding then three more flaps. Its barred chest shone in the autumnal light.

(photos taken on Corstorphine Hill)


  1. Now that's what Autumn is supposed to be. I'm totally jealous.

  2. Wonderful blue skies and hints of autumn. You live in a lovely place!

  3. Perfect skies. Ours have been rather gray lately...

  4. Late October sky in the Northern hemisphere can sure be something!

  5. Nice shots, Juliet.

  6. Lovely skies.

    We've had some beautiful light here, too, but today (when we were hoping to take shots for a camera club assignment), we have woken up to a dense grey world! Actually, it's the kind of weather we associate with mid November, after all the Bonfire Night smoke ... so I'm not quite sure what's in store for us then!

  7. What beautiful skies - we have had some really leaden ones down here - and not even much rain to make up for the gloom.

    Pomona x


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